Window on the world: creative writing during lockdown

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Maggie’s Creative Writing Group: – Virtual Workshop 2

While the group I run at Maggie’s isn’t meeting, we are having virtual sessions instead, and I’m posting the exercises here for others to join in. Here’s today’s session.

Exercise 1: A bird’s eye view

We are spending a lot of time home at the moment, and neighbourhoods are quiet.

With the need to stay put, our focus is naturally on things closer to home. We may be more conscious of things in our immediate environment or our close neighbourhood.

We each have different vantage points, and our own unique perspective on what’s going on.

Today’s exercise plays on that theme.

Here’s what you do

If you can, get to a window and spend a few moments looking at the view.  Take a few moments to observe the detail of what you can see.

Now imagine a bird, come to rest on your window ledge outside. The bird flies out across the neighbourhood, observing the scene. This bird has 20-20 vision and a keen sense of hearing. It can fly high, and swoop low. It can zoom in on minute detail or take in the bigger picture.
It might alight on someone else’s windowsill, and observe what’s going on inside. It might stop in a garden or back yard. It might listen to conversations, or watch situations unfolding.
It might be a tame bird you’ve trained to take messages out during your isolation, or to bring back information about what’s going on in the area.
Use your imagination and spread your wings!
And if you don’t have a view, use the image instead.

Exercise 2: Ghost town

Watch the video
Imagine you are walking down the streets of a normally busy, bustling city.
What are your observations? Why are you there? What is your purpose? What do you see, hear, smell,  etc. How are you feeling?
Write for 15 minutes and see where it takes you.