Since publishing Heartsound last year, one of the questions I’m most frequently asked is ‘are you working on a third novel?’
The answer is yes! And I’ve set myself a target to finish the first draft by the end of March. This means completing ten chapters a week throughout February and March.
That may seem a lot, but my chapters are very short. Plus, I’ve already written much of the content in sporadic bursts over the last few months, so it’s more a case of putting it all together, finessing, and filling in the gaps.
What’s the book about?
It’s about a bunch of baby boomers who decide, in late middle age, to club together to buy up their old University Annex, where they lived together as students, and turn it into a retirement complex/community for themselves.
It’ll be a place where they make the rules and can recreate their student days. Needless to say, it doesn’t all go according to plan.
The action alternates between the early 1980s, when the characters were at university, to the present day.
I have a broad outline of the plot, but that’s not set in stone, so there’s scope for the characters to take the narrative off in different directions along the way.
What’s the next stage?
Once I have a draft I’m broadly happy with, I’ll be looking for people to give it a read and provide me with honest feedback.
This, for me, is a crucial part of the process, as these early stage readers – known in the trade as ‘beta readers’ – tend to spot plot holes and inconsistencies which I’ve not noticed, as they approach the narrative with fresh eyes.
If you fancy casting your eye over an early draft, get in touch! I’ll be forever grateful, and you’ll get a mention in the acknowledgements. You can contact me here.
Other writing news
Meanwhile, I’ve been writing some short fiction for a collection that my publisher, Inspired Quill, is bringing out this year. My story features a 90-year old climate activist.
I’ll let you know when the anthology is published, in case you want to read some short stories from me and other IQ authors.
Reviewers wanted!

I’d like to thank everyone who has read Heartsound. I’ve had some great feedback, and I’m thrilled that the book currently has an average Amazon star rating of 4.9. Thank you to all those who have taken the time to leave a review. I particularly enjoyed this piece in the Nottingham arts and culture magazine, Left Lion.
If you enjoyed Heartsound would you consider leaving a review or rating on Amazon or Goodreads if you haven’t already? Reviews really do help authors reach more potential readers. Here are the links: Amazon, Goodreads.
What else is happening?
I continue to promote my first two novels, Heartsound and Blue Tide Rising, and my publisher has a presence at various literary events throughout the year, including States of Independence, at Leicester’s De Montfort University next month, and Newark Book Festival in July.
My local writing group, SherWords are planning an exhibition of members’ work at Sherwood Art Week in the summer. More details to come.
Plus there’s a new festival planned for Whitby in November, which I’m very excited about, as I regard Whitby as my spiritual home. It’s a place that has inspired many writers with its rich, atmospheric setting – more on that in this blog post. The novel I’m working on includes some scenes set in the town.
I’m also about to run a series of writing workshops at a venue in Retford, North Notts, the first one being a taster session at the Rondo Lounge cafe bar on 19th February.