I had a week off work recently and was lucky enough to go up to Whitby again. Although we only stayed for a day, it felt good to breathe the sea air and walk on the sand. There were little signs that things were starting to open up again – albeit tentatively – which felt hopeful.
So today’s exercises are around the theme of emerging once more into the world.
Exercise 1
Lockdown is lifting. You can go somewhere, do something, see someone, you haven’t been able to for the last few months.
Where do you go? Who do you see? What do you do? Describe your feelings and emotions, running through the senses. Use the prose poem or images as prompts if you like.

Exercise 2
This exercise is also about emerging into the world but not as we know it.
You are wandering around a garden or a city and you come across an archway which you walk through. When you emerge on the other side, everything is different. You realise you are in a different time. Write about what you see, hear etc as you emerge through the time-warp. What do you do? Who is there?
You can choose whether to go forwards or backwards in time. Let your imagination go and have fun!

If you have a go at these writing exercises I’d love to hear how you get on. Leave your feedback by posting in the comments below.