We are living in very peculiar times. Possibly the strangest times many of us have lived through collectively. They are times of mixed emotions – some good, some bad.
To begin with there was fear, anxiety, and a sense of loss. As time’s gone on – for me at any rate – the fear has subsided, and now we’re past the peak and a return to something resembling normality may be on the horizon.
But there has also been wonder, little surprises, and delights. Lockdown has had its own peculiar sights, sounds, even smells. The birds seem louder. We have developed a new weekly tradition of making noise outside our front doors on Thursdays. For a few weeks, the air over the city was noticeably clearer and the light different. Our senses, perhaps, became more keenly aware.
So for today’s exercise, we’re going to focus on some of the unique sounds of lockdown.

Part one
Here are three audio clips that for me, characterise this unique time.
Listen to each one, more than once if you like, and see where it takes you. Imagine yourself at the scene as an observer or integral to the action, and write about it. Bring in the other senses as well as sound, and your emotions.
Part two
Now think about your own experience of lockdown. Are there any particular sounds, smells, sights, or emotions you associate with this period? Capture them in a piece of writing.
This is one of a series of online writing activities developed for the Creative Writing Group at Maggie’s Nottingham. While the group can’t meet due to the pandemic, I am running sessions virtually. If you’re enjoying these exercises and would like an alert when I publish a new post, simply hit the SUBSCRIBE button on the home page.