The bad news is I’m confined to barracks with tarsal fractures after a two-ton Audi ran over my foot as I was walking home from work on Thursday. The car swung in from left-field as I was crossing a side road. I spent five hours in A&E where they gave me gas and air, stitched up my wound and put me in plaster.
The good news is we have a confirmed launch date for Blue Tide Rising which is Sunday 31st March at Waterstones Nottingham. So if you’re in the area, why not come along? Starts 2pm. It also happens to be Mothering Sunday – a detail I’d overlooked, not having a mother, or being one. I’m hoping some people will bring their mums/kids as an alternative thing to do on Mothers’ Day. There will be Prosecco. And cake.
The other good news is I’m making excellent progress so they took the plaster off and replaced it with a boot! Who knew NHS did such a stylish line in footwear? Now I can put weight on the foot and can get up and down stairs on my feet as opposed to my arse.
My other boot, the one I was wearing at the time of the incident, is now a twisted, mangled mess.
I was lucky, though, that the foot was the only damage. Seconds later I’d have been across the bonnet. To be fair, the driver, who stopped and gave me a lift home in the Audi, probably didn’t see me as it’s a dark street and a bit of a blind corner.
The upside to this period of enforced sofa-rest is it gives me time to think about the launch format. I’ve run events there before, but they’ve been collaborative. I’m thinking of opening it out a bit, to give a couple of others a bit of a platform, so there may be a support act. We’ll see. At least I should be injury-free by then. When we launched the Maggie’s anthology there in September 2017, I was sporting a pink arm cast having broken my wrist – but that’s a different story.

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Mr Dominic Willcocks