We’ve been working through the senses in the group I run at Maggie’s. This week we did smells! I asked people to bring things in that smelt interesting (within reason). Among other things they brought citrus fruits, spices, coffee, nail varnish, shoe polish and antiseptic. With oranges, cinnamon and chocolate on the table the room was beginning to smell a bit like Christmas – until someone took the lid off the TCP which temporarily eclipsed all the other smells. Last time I did this exercise someone brought newspaper soaked in vinegar to evoke the smell of fish and chips – inspired!
There are strong links between smell, memory and emotion. Smells have powerful associations. A whiff of something can take you right back to a particular place, person or situation.
So here’s the exercise:
Part 1
- Pick a substance.
- Sniff it.
- Note whether its scent sparks any memories or associations.
- Notice what emotions it brings up.
- Free write for 15-20 minutes and see where it takes you.
Part 2
- Think of a smell that you associate with a place, person or time in your life.
- Try to contour up that smell from memory.
- Write about it.
And if you want some references to smell in literature, this site is packed full of them: http://www.emilygrosvenor.com/scent-in-literature-project/scent-in-literature-the-best-smelly-writing
2 Responses
Mr Dominic Willcocks
Great session again as ever. I really enjoyed everyone’s writing. Thanks Clare you’re a galaxy ☺☺☺
Never been called a galaxy before!